Keyword: Indigenous Australians
Exploring the Psychosocial Determinants of Coronary Heart Disease among Indigenous men in Central Australia
The life expectancy (LE) gap experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in one of Australians most enduring health divides. Whilst there are many likely reasons, cardiovascular diseases (CVD) stand as the primary contributor. In particular, it is the…
Journal : School of Population Health, University of Queensland|Publication Date : 2009|Keywords
National indigenous housing guide
The third edition of the National Indigenous Housing Guide, a practical resource to support the planning and development of Indigenous housing is now available. The Guide is a resource to assist in the design, construction and maintenance of housing for…
Journal : Australian Government, Canberra|Publication Date : 2007|Issue : 3rd EditionKeywords
Otitis media in young Aboriginal children from remote communities in Northern and Central Australia: a cross-sectional survey.
BACKGROUND: Middle ear disease (otitis media) is common and frequently severe in Australian Aboriginal children. There have not been any recent large-scale surveys using clear definitions and a standardised middle ear assessment. The aim of the study was to determine…
Journal : BMC Paediatrics|Publication Date : 2005|Issue : 5:27-37Keywords
Invasive pneumococcal disease in central Australia
INTRO: To document the incidence, case fatality, clinical and demographic features of invasive pneumococcal disease in central Australia. DESIGN: Invasive isolates from the regional central laboratory were prospectively recorded over five years and case notes retrospectively reviewed. Population denominators were calculated…
Journal : Medical Journal of Australia|Publication Date : 1995|Issue : 162(4):182-6Keywords
Diseases of the Australian Aborigines
Journal : American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene|Publication Date : 1932|Issue : 35:177Keywords