B8.5 Active heating of houses

Survey Data

B 8.5.1 Winter temperatures% of housesNo. houses surveyed
Minimum winter regularly less than temperature 0°C32%5936
Minimum winter temperature 0°C-10°C50%5936
Minimum winter temperature greater than 10°C18%5936
B 8.5.2 House performance in cold conditions (< 15°C)% of housesNo. houses surveyed
Outside temperature < 15°C at survey6%5936
Houses colder inside compared to outside6%380
Average temperature improvement4.9°C380
Improvement in temperature: 0° to 5°C48%380
Improvement in temperature: 0° to 10°C83%380
B 8.5.3 Outside the house% of housesNo. houses surveyed
Windbreak planting in the yard32%5936
Verandahs on three sides of the house8%5936
Verandahs on four sides of the house6%5936
B 8.5.4 Insulation% of housesNo. houses surveyed
Roof insulated42%5936
Unknown if roof insulation installed48%5936
No roof insulation10%5936
Walls insulated20%4337
No wall insulation or unknowns80%4337
B 8.5.5 Windows re heating% of housesNo. houses surveyed
Houses with all windows OK33%5936
Houses with 80-99% of windows OK23%5936
Houses with less than 80% of Windows44%5936
Total windows66,9565936
Average no windows11.35936
windows % not OK26%5936
Windows Average not OK35936
B 8.5.6 Heating system% of housesNo. houses surveyed
Ducted reverse cycle heating2%5936
Reverse cycle heating not ducted7%5936
Open fire1%5936
Combustion heater (wood or solid fuel)32%5936
Ducted gas heating0%5936
Gas heating not ducted2%5936
Plug in electric heaters9%5936
Any form of heating585936