Electrical Safety
A1.1 Safety switches
A1.2 Electrical earth connection
A1.3 Cabling and wiring
A1.4 Power points, lights and other fittings
Gas Safety
A2.1 Gas Safety
Fire Safety
A3.1 Fire prevention
A3.2 Fire and smoke detection
A3.3 Escape in the event of fire
Structural Safety
A4.1 Structural safety
Health & Housing
Washing People
B1.1 Wet area design
B1.2 Hot water
B1.3 Water outlets, valves & taps
B1.4 Washing kids ― hand basin, baths, and laundry tubs
B1.5 Showers
B1.6 Wet area floor drainage (bathroom, shower, toilet and laundry)
B1.7 Turning off water to allow plumbing maintenance
Washing clothes and bedding
B2.1 Laundry design
B2.2 Drying clothes and bedding
Removing waste water safely
B3.1 Flush toilets
B3.2 House drains
B3.3 Septic Systems + on site waste disposal
B3.4 Aerated waste water treatment system
B3.5 Dry toilets
Improving nutrition – the ability to store, prepare and cook food
B4.1 Quality of drinking water
B4.2 Food storage
B4.3 Preparing food – sinks and benches
B4.4 Cooking
B4.5 kitchen Design (General)
Reducing the negative impacts of crowding
B5.1 Performance of health hardware in households with more people
B5.2 Developing the edges of the house and the yard
B5.3 Storage areas in the house
Reducing the negative effects of animals, insects and vermin
B6.1 Dogs, horses, pigs and other large animals
B6.2 Animals: rats, mice, snakes and birds
B6.3 Insects: ants and cockroaches
B6.4 Insects: mosquitoes and flies
B6.5 Insects: Dust mites
B6.6 Insects: termites
Reducing the health impacts of dust
B7.1 Reducing the health impacts of dust
Controlling the temperature of the living environment
B8.1 Human comfort and climate
B8.2 Passive design in tropical zones
B8.3 Passive design for houses in arid and temperate climates
B8.4 Active cooling of houses
B8.5 Active heating of houses
Reducing hazards that cause minor injury (trauma)
B9.1 Hazardous materials
B9.2 Personal security
B9.3 Preventing slips, trips and falls
B9.4 Preventing cuts and abrasions
B9.5 Preventing burns
Healthy Communities
C1.1 Water quantity and treatment systems
C1.2 Water quantity and demand management
C1.3 Rainwater, stormwater and recycled water for landscaping
C2.1 Electricity
C2.2 Gas
Waste Water
C3.1 Waste water
Household rubbish disposal
C4.1 Household rubbish removal
Community planning
C6.1 Landscaping
> B4.3 001
B4.3 001